Tuesday, April 17, 2007

IKEA is coming!

Sometime this summer, supposedly, IKEA is due to open in the already overly congested Sunrise area near the Sawgrass mall. I've already got my friends with SUVs targeted to take me.

I am so excited. I love IKEA. I buy their smaller stuff when visiting the in-laws up north and pack it in an extra suitcase brought just for that purpose. The kids need new desks for their rooms and I need a new table in the family room. Oh, and some meatballs for lunch.

The furniture isn't as durable as Ethan Allen or Thomasville, but it's not disposable either. If you buy it with the knowledge it's only good for five or ten years, it's worth it. Lots of goodies like throw rugs, CD organizers and laundry sorters are incredibly priced. And there is NOTHING in the world like their cool little organizing drawers and shelves. The same ones that cost three times the price at Pottery barn.

Years ago, their beds and picture frames came in European sizes so you'd have to buy special sheets and the posters from US museums wouldn't fit. I hope they've adjusted this stuff for the US market. I'm not planning on buying any beds or posters.

I happened to be crusing their website looking at the lamps. I have to buy two lamps, one for my daughter's room and one for my desk. I'm very disappointed with the selection. A number of years ago I changed almost all the light bulbs in the house to CFL (compact Fluorescents). The Ikea selection still require a lot of a halogen, which are hot and not energy efficient... neither of which are appealing to a house in Florida with kids who never remember to turn off the lights. So I think I'll just go to Target or Wal-Mart for the lamps.

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