Thursday, August 23, 2007

The summer is over as soon as the kids are back to school

I can't get over the fact that schools in Florida are in session from mid-August to the end of May. I grew up in the northeast where you ended summer with Labor Day and finished in June. July and August were THE summer months. Camp or summer school started the last week of June and ended with just enough time for a family vacation at the end of August before school started.

We had a heck of time this summer scheduling a summer get-together with family from NY and Pennsylvania because of everyone's summer obligations. My kids went to day-camp in June and July, My nieces and nephews were a month behind. So compromises were made to accommodate the kids who couldn’t leave sleep away camp.

We spent a week at the beach in New Jersey. Five families – four generations in two rental houses a block from each other on Long Beach Island. Why is it I never go to the beach here in Florida but relish the sand and fun of NJ beaches? Or Long Island NY beaches? Or beaches anywhere? I guess it’s because a vacation beach isn’t the same as the hours spent ten miles from home thinking about schlepping beach chairs, refreshments, the cell phone, how far it is to a bathroom and then cleaning off to get back into the car.

It’s still 90 degrees out, it will rain later and Labor Day isn’t for another 10 days…but it might as well be the week before Thanksgiving because we’re now in the homework and soccer practice mode. O bla dee…o bla da