Friday, March 23, 2007

DVR - and how NBC should beef up their website

Our family is a DVR family and we subscribe through the cable company. It's a great peacemaker - no more "OMG - YOU were supposed to tape Boston Legal." The DVR is set to record it at any time on any station. You can't do that with Law & Order, it's on every hour of the day on some channel. So we set that for just the specific night and time.

But every once in a while we goof. I'm a die hard ER fan. Loved it from George Clooney through John Stamos. But somehow or another the DVR didn't pick up the new episodes after January 1 of this year. Didn't realize it until three or four weeks into the year.

If it was my beloved Grey's Anatomy or Desperate Housewives, I could tune into and catch it online. But NBC only gives a text synopsis with a two minute clip. This is not good.

I know I should be grateful that ABC is providing this wonderful service, but I grew up when ABC, CBS and NBC were all equal. Maybe not in the ratings, but in the format and content they provided. So I expect their Internet content to be on par with one another.

Jeff Zucker. .. are you a blog reader? If someone who is working for him reads this, please whisper in his ear.... I want my favorite NBC show on the website.

Jeffrey Zucker, President, NBC (Photo from

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