I've become addicted following the hurricanes. Of course, every Floridian and Gulf Coast resident needs to know what is going on in real time.
I used to go to the NOAA site: http://www.noaa.gov/ Which is pretty good.
Then I discovered Storm Pulse http://www.stormpulse.com/ My kids like the bright colors. I like the buttons that allow you to see all the models with wind probabilities, the history and the forecast models. When Hurricane Hanna loomed we watched it hook north. When Hurricane Ike came we saw it go south.

You can't view it on a PDA so our Treo and Blackberrys are useless, we revert to the NOAA site. But on our home computers it's the best website for watching and tracking hurricanes.
I can't wait until the season is over and I can remove it from my daily favorites.